Start Your Journey Towards Success Today
Step One
Sign up, which will create your account and send confirmation email.
Step Two
You are able to access your account portal immediately.
Step Three
Assign a Digital Lead within your business who will be your champion for improving all aspects of digital within your business, stay secure and develop a digital culture. Make sure your digital lead and others in the team have access to the resources.
Step Four
You now have access to all health checks, toolkits, templates, guides and digital dashboards that will show you how to grow your business, stay secure and develop a digital culture. Make sure your digital lead and others in the team have access to the resources.
Step Five
Audit your organisation’s digital systems and resilience with our proven health checks.
Step Six
Use our industry standard toolkits to develop digital systems within your business.
Step Seven
Develop a digital culture strategy. Look at how your business can improve and will benefit from new process, resources and training.
Step Eight
Agree timeframes, budget and resources to ensure your success. Ensure a clear reporting system is in place.
Step Nine
Access our weekly updates, webinars, training sessions and Q&As.
Step Ten
Access support from our Digital Specialists, when needed.
Step Eleven
Develop a training needs analysis for your business. Access online training.
Step Twelve
Audit your business after 12 weeks, look at how you can improve and what areas need the most support. Develop a new strategy to improve your digital culture.