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To Do This Week

To-Do-List Demo

Below you’ll see examples of what you would get as a Start Digital Member. Each of the 12 topics that your dashboard grants you access to contains its own themed To-Do-List. Designed to be quick, easy and impactful.

The best place to get Started.


Every topic has a To-Do-List.
3 quick activities relating to that topic your business should be doing. Hand-picked by our team to give you a starting point, quick wins and immediate results.


Each activity on a To-Do-List provides you with a clear impact, showing you straight away the positive effects you'll get by completing the activity.

How to

You'll be given a short but detailed guide to completing the activity so you can more easily make progress growing and securing your business.

1. Gather Customer Data


Your customer data is one of the most valuable assets to your business. Having customer data can help inform your marketing strategies, product offerings, and price points and help to inform customer satisfaction just to name a few things.  


Here are some ways to collect customer data; customer surveys (you can create these on Google Forms), offer an incentive for information & use purchase history data. 

2. Secure your customer data


Securing your customer data does two things straight away. First, it ensures you are following best practices and acting with responsibility with other peoples information which helps ensure you are on the correct side of the law and meeting the standards set out and monitored by the ICO. Second, you are protecting a vital set of data that your organisation needs to help inform its longterm strategy and marketing efforts which will have massive impacts on the success of your company and its overall sales. 


You can secure your customer data by; heading over to the Health Check & Tool Kit for this week – Data & Information Security. 

They will help you understand how to; implement strong access controls to your data (eg, implement MFA, make sure you have strong passwords on devices and software), encrypt all your customer data & regularly backing up your data. 

3. Perform a customer segmentation 


Segmentation will support your marketing strategies as it places your customers into specific groups based on the demographic categories you selected. This allows you to target set groups with certain offers or messages that will more closely align with what they require or want and have a better result due to this. 


You do this by gathering the data you have for your customers already and with a focus on your company’s current goals select some set demographics to group customers together under. For example, you might want to group people based on an age range or value spent on previous sales.