The Questions You Should Constantly Be Asking
There are certain “Digital Essentials” that every business should be managing, developing and controlling. Here are examples of some questions you can ask yourself.

Are you happy with your online digital presence?

Does it showcase your business and attract new customers?

Are you in control of your business digital accounts and logins?

Do you have systems and policies in place to futureproof your busines?

Do you use multi-factor authentication to secure your business assets?

Are you training your staff for the risks of cyber crime and the opportunities that digital skills can provide?

Do you have the necessary digital systems, equipment and infrastructure to effectively run your business?

Would your business benefit from more sales from a stronger digital strategy?

Are you aware of the risk of cyber crime and the effects it can have on a business’ reputation?
If You Answered “No” To Any Of Those, You Need Start Digital
By joining Start Digital we can set you on the road towards implementing digital culture systems within your business. You will then have the tools and strategies necessary, which you can use to build a successful digital culture in your organisation.